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Author of Kissing books

featuring great ​friendships, cute boys, ​and smart girls

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Good Girls Gone Jane Series

Kissing Owen Darcy

Book One in the GGGJ Series

Kissing Freddy Again

Book Two in the GGGJ SEries

Coming Soon

Christmas Kisses

for Jade and Bingley

Under Construction Design


Arlys Avery was first published in Stone Soup ​Children’s magazine when she was in 3rd grade. ​She thinks it was a limerick about a man with a ​very large nose, or maybe it was about crows, but ​since she had peaked early in poetry, she decided ​to change her trajectory toward happy endings, ​great friendships, smart girls, frustrating cute boys, ​and swoon-inducing smooches.

Arlys grew up in the kind of small Midwest town ​that hosts homecoming parades and 4-H fairs and ​where danger was a night spent with friends toilet-​papering the home of her latest crush.

She is borderline fanatical about notebooks (most ​of which she refuses to write in), a lover of all things ​Jane Austen, a wannabe runner, a Gryffindor, and a ​zombie enthusiast who is also passionate in her ​hunt for the perfect lipgloss.

Even though she still gets a zit just in time for ​school picture day, Arlys has made the brave ​decision to make her career with middle schoolers ​at an Independent School near Beverly Hills… and ​she loves it.

customer reviews

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So great to read! fun, wholesome! Love ​the Pride and Prejudice twist. Highly ​recommend this book. Bravo, Ms. Avery ​for your book debut!

– Becca M.

This is a delightful, easy read. It shows ​the power of friendship and the ​importance of being true to yourself. ​Definitely a book I can whole-heartedly ​recommend to my 7th and 8th grade ​students.

– Jen

I loved the characters in this book and ​could not put it down. The writing was ​sensational! From the small town fairs to ​the big city offer shops to the dresses ​and hairdos-I could imagine it all. Isn’t ​that what good writers do?

– Michelle B.

XO Doodle Grunge
XO Doodle Grunge

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